

Dr. Clarke contributes to the MSc Applied Psychology (Mental Health & Psychological Therapies) at Ulster University and is keen to collaborate with other scientists in the areas of mental health, cognitive neuroscience, trauma and psychosis. In addition to some of the collaborations (below) that have been published, Dr. Clarke is on the Editorial Review Board the Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma.

Clarke, S. (2017). Building relationships to help improve mental wellbeing. In McColgan, M. and McMullin, C. (Eds.), Doing Relationship Based Social Work: A Practical Guide to Building Relationships and Enabling Change. (pp. s). United Kingdom: Jessica Kingsley. Click here.

Clarke, S., Hanna, D., Mulholland, C., Shannon, C., Urquhart (2019) A systematic review and meta-analysis of digital health technologies effects on psychotic symptoms in adults with psychosis., Psychosis, 11:4, 362-373 

DOI: 10.1080/17522439.2019.1632376 

Clarke, S, Hanna, D, Davidson, S, Shannon, C, Mulholland, C. The association between sleep quality and attenuated psychotic symptoms. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2020; 1– 12.